Idaho Falls, Idaho
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Nonprofit DirectoryIdaho Falls, Idaho
The ymca of idaho falls is a charitable, community service organization that includes men, women and children of all ages abilities, income, races and religions. we are dedicated to building strong children, strong families, and strong communities by puttin the ymca of idaho falls is a charitable, community service organization that includes men, women and children of all ages abilities, income, races and religions. we are dedicated to building strong children, strong families, and strong communities by putting christian principles into practice through programs that promote healthy lifestyles, strong values, leadership development, community interaction, and international understanding. all persons are welcomed and led by volunteers from our community; volunteers also serve as mentors, coaches, program leaders, instructors and more. dues are based on community affordability. financial assistance is available for those who cannot afford full membership or those who want to participate.
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To plan, construct, develop & manage affordable housing for the public.
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Public education.
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Champs heart is an equine-based ministry offering children with limited abilities, veterans of war, and their families the opportunity to feel safe while connecting with horses, and experience well-being and independence in a welcoming environment.
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The mission of the snake river animal shelter is to improve and save animals lives by promoting quality care and compassion through adoption and humane education in the region.
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Through the caring hands program, kyni brings hope to people who, without help from people like you, have no way of helping themselves. there are people who are literally entrapped by poverty. they live day in and day out with no other goal than to keep themselves alive for another day. there is no thought of education, career, or even of improving the life they have. there is no hope. when you give to caring hands, your donation is used to bring hope to children in need by improving access to nutrition, sanitation, and education. with the help of caring hands donations like yours, kyni builds and improves schools, provides sanitation training, supplies, and facilities for entire communities, and delivers life-sustaining nutrition to areas throughout the world that are struggling with poverty or natural disasters.
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Advocate for, promote and support the sport of reining and the reining horse, educate and inform the public, recruit and mentor youth members, sponsor clinics, expositions and events, advocate for humane treatment of reining horses.
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To solicit gifts, devises, monies or properties to be held and managed for the exclusive benefit of eastern idaho technical college.
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Public education.
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The museum of idaho seeks to inspire wonder and discovery about idaho and our world through science and the humanities. moi is fully dependent on donations, grants ticket sales, and store revenue to fund this mission, key to which is ensuring its education offerings are as accessible as possible to understand populations in east idaho and beyond.
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Help & empower at risk individuals & families meet basic needs & increase their independence through support and education.
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Exclusively for charitable purposes
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Public education.
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Teach and demonstrate family food production. conduct humanitarian projects, gardening training schools, classes, seminars, demonstrations, and garden and greenhouse tours. provide education and training materials on the world-wide web. host group gardening websites, podcasts, and gardening blogs. write gardening blogs. research best, most productive, and most cost effective growing procedures, including disruptive technologies in plant nutrition and plant feeding, to assist people in becoming self-reliant in their food producton.
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The organization provides housing opportunities to individuals who suffer from mental or emotional illness, or substance abuse but do not need to be confined or institution. the programs assist the individuals with self-care skills including, but not limited to, financial planning, budgeting, diet and nutrition, housekeeping, and consumer awareness.
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To provide an opportunity to achieve musical excellence in the study of violin, viola, and cello. to provide highly skilled and personalized private instruction in a welcoming, structured and supportive environment. to serve our community through classic music study and preformance.
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Education toward responsible use of alcoholic beverages via community events. the events are run entirely by volunteers with most supplies donated to maximize proceeds granted to other 501c3 partners.
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Provide palliative care to individuals with a terminal illness in the patient's primary place of residence.
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The organization provides direct services to victims and their families who are impacted by violent crime. these services include access to a 24 hour crisis line, shelter for those in imminent danger, support groups, advocacy assistance regarding the civil and criminal legal system, long-term support that promotes healing from the impact of trauma and community education regarding intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual assault and other violent crimes.
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The purpose of the organization shall be to serve as an organization promoting, coordination and cooperation between eastern idaho organizations that work at improving the diversity in our community, and to support those in our community who are underserved.
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