Huntington, West Virginia
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Nonprofit DirectoryHuntington, West Virginia
Renovate historic home and develop programs in connection therewith.
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To provide the vision, organization, skills, training, and leadership to actively promote the understanding, use, transformation, and dissemination of tbl across global educational communities.
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Provides short-term medical care to infants suffering from prenatal drug exposure and offers
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To promote local agriculture and economic development as a small business incubator via a marketplace for local producers and to educate the local community as to issues of health and sustainable local food production
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See schedule o
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The organization strives to educate the public and promote interest in the preservation of historic resources and revitalization of the neighborhood commercial district with seminars, meetings, exhibits, special events and brochures. the main purpose of the organization is community development through reducing signs of deterioration, encouraging entrepreneurship, increasing beautification, improving environmental sustainability, promoting workforce development and on-the-job training especially for low-income people, advancing form-based codes that promote historic preservation, and creating new development on vacant lots where deteriorated buildings were torn down.
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Substance abuse treatment and prevention
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Public education & journal publication. the mission of the appalachian studies association is to promote and engage dialogue, research, scholarship, education, creative expression, and action among scholars, educators, practitioners, grassroots activists, students, individuals.
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To provide activities under the workforce development system
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Assist organizations for needy children.
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Provide medical services to the uninsured.
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Educational and charitable
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Raise funds to assist city of huntington, wv
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To improve the well-being of all we serve through understanding, respecting, and meeting their health needs.
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To provide early learning services to any who seek regardless of ability to pay.
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To offer and promote recovery to those who suffer the vicious cycle of addiction to alcohol and drugs.
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To provide clothing and services to disadvantaged women entering the workforce.
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The general purposes of the organization are for literary, cultural, and educational purposes and further to operate the keith albee theater as a community arts facility. the purposes shall also include activities to promote the appreciation and participation in the visual arts, promote expression of creativity through the creative arts, and to promote education in fine arts.
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We are dedicated to connecting marshall university student-athletes with businesses and other non-profit organizations within our community to facilitate nil agreements.
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Hope in the hills held its first healing appalachia concert to fight addiction at the wv fairgrounds on oct 6, 2018. the concert was successful, with approximately 2,400 attendees. we featured local recovery organizations and survivors who shared their stories on stage between music performances. we made grant awards to four credible, tax-exempt recovery programs serving appalachian communities
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