Herndon, Virginia
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Nonprofit DirectoryHerndon, Virginia
To promote the physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being of the youth of the herndon area, promote knowledge, interest and understanding of the herndon high school athletic program, promote a spirit of interest and sportsmanship among the adults, teenagers, and children of the herndon community and promote and support the athletic activities and program at herndon high school, herndon, virginia.
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To identify develop implement and ensure the proper distribution of equitable and sustainable support systems financial and partnerships
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Formed to operate a youth basketball program that will form teams to train and compete at the aau level in both league activities and tournaments.
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Touching heart is on a mission to inspire children and fill their young hearts with love and compassion for one another, building the next generation of compassionate leaders. our programs enlighten, excite, and educate children to experience the true joy that comes from helping those in need. the end results of inspiring children to help those in need, is that, as a group and individually, our children do help others in need, through many programs.
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The cia officers memorial foundation continues to have the exclusive mission of providing scholarships and other financial support to the families of the cia officers who die while on active duty. in addition, the foundation considers providing direct support as needed to officers severely wounded while on assignment in designated war zones and offers scholarship assistance to their dependents as well. the foundation added a daycare support program to its program services in 2019 and a career services program in 2021.
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Accelerating the development of new therapies in epilepsy to improve patient care through research.
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Usgifs purpose is to promote the geospatial intelligence tradecraft and to develop a stronger community of interest between government, industry, academia, professional organizations and individuals who share a mission focused around the development and application of geospatial intelligence to address national security objectives.
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The mission of i-asc is to advance communication access for nonspeaking individuals globally through training, education, advocacy, and research. i-asc's purpose is to provide a voice to nonspeaking, minimally speaking, and unreliably speaking individuals through aac, specifically through a method called spelling to communicate, or s2c.
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To develop, support, and promote the public procurement profession.
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The objective of the organization is to support education activities which will stimulate and promote leadership skills of students through family and consumer sciences education on a local, state, and national level.
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All ages read together is dedicated to educating children in need of free preschool.
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Dissemination of scientific information through annual conferences, journals and the organization's website.
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To build an international community of artists teachers students and families that fosters mutual respect joy diversity service creativity excellence and a deep appreciation for the arts achieved primarily through programs emphasizing training performance community outreach and support.
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The organization's mission is to foster the creation, growth and development of independent "no lines" youth baseball teams for the purpose of developing youth baseball talent to the fullest extent possible.
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To promote and support frying pan farm park through our commitment, leadership and advocacy.
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Providing the environment, teaching and support to deepen the learning and practice of mindful living and zen buddhism for well-being in everyday life.
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To provide behavioral therapy (aba) to children with autism in the northern va area to enhance everyday life, and to assist adults with autism in transitional services.
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Prisms is dedicated to providing information and support to families of persons with sms, sponsoring research and fostering partnerships with professionals to increase awareness and understanding of sms.
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Provide religious and devotional information to the general public. organize conferences to promote religious activities and forums to express religious beliefs.
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Promote the sport of figure skatintg. the wfsc was founded in 1938 as a member of the united states figure skating association. the club currenty has over 1200 members and the primary expenditures are the rental of ice skating rinks for teaching, sponsorship of competitions, testing, seminars and other means of support for skaters.
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