Hailey, Idaho
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryHailey, Idaho
To provide education, support, advocacy and empowerment for the mentally ill and their families, ensuring equal access to medical, social, economic, legal, judicial and spiritual resources within our community.
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Provide meals, education, medical services, and counseling services to zambian children living in the village of mapalo who meet acceptance criteria of school. criteria includes a child with one or both parents deceased primarily with aids, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemic illnesses in zambia.
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We honor adolescence as a critical development window for learning essential academic, cognitive, social, and emotional skills. the sage school creates a thriving environment for students through a challenging, authentic curriculum centered on human ecology and engaging experiences designed specifically to promote self-awarness, community responsiility, and a sense of place.
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The organization is formed as a backbone organization to support a local, sustainable food system to eradicate food insecurity in blaine county, idaho and to provide healthy, local food choices for the community. the foundation will lead program development in areas such as public education of food systems and development of a sustainable farm in blaine county, idaho.
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The space provides individualized academic support so that all students can overcome barriers, discover their learning power and access an exceptional education. we believe that every student has unique strengths and deserves the same investment of time, care and attention regardless of ability to pay or perceived potential.
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To provide academic support, counseling and mentorship to low-income youth from early elementary school, through middle and high school, and guaranteed tuition support for high education. our work is founded on the belief that given equitable access to resources, all children can realize their innate potential.
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To create a lasting home for innovative theatre that transports, delights, and inspires.
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To preserve, protect, and enhance the sawtooth national recreation area (snra).
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The mission of mscl house is to help men living with addiction succeed in their recovery and achieve sustained sobriety by providing them with safe, affordable, sober housing and support services, while serving their needs and treating them with respect, compassion and a belief in the value of each individual.
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Hailey ice, inc. provides an affordable ice skating facility in hailey while also promoting and educating the community in ice sports for recreation, physical, and mental development.
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To gather, present, and preserve the history and culture of the families and individual men and women in idaho's sheep industry and honor their contributions to the development of idaho and the west.
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To establish a coffeehouse that will operate as a community center as a place for people who might never enter a church building to meet jesus as he presented himself in the bible
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See schedule o the corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively to protect and restore sagebrush habitat in the american west to benefit native wildlife through voluntary conservation.
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To provide hardworking, intelligent, and financially disadvantaged south asian girls the opportunity to obtain an education in the face of adverse conditions such as extreme poverty, deprivation or social prejudices.
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The purpose of sun valley institute for resilience is to advance community resilience in idaho's wood river valley region by educating, investing and collaborating to ensure that the economy, environment and people thrive.
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Public education.
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To inspire generosity that improves health and well-being in the community.
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We provide assistance to individuals living and/or working in blaine county who are experiencing financial hardship due to an unanticipated crisis.
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The mission of western watersheds project is to protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife through education, public policy initiatives and legal advocacy.
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Promotion of inexpensive family skiing.
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