Gadsden, Alabama
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryGadsden, Alabama
To engage in, support, foster, promote, encourage and expend funds in support of the objectives of the kiwanis club and their sponsored youth organizations and their related activities.
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To provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for for elderly and handicapped persons of low-income in the city of gadsden, alabama.
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Form 990-primary exempt purpose - the westbrook w club, inc. provides support to the athletic related organizations and athletic teams of westbrook christian school. the specific objectives and purpose of this organziation shall be raising money through fundraising events and chartitable contributions, purchasing equipment and supplies for the various athletic related organziations and athletic teams of westbrook christian school. to sponsor, host and/or participate in events and activities that promote the athletic related organizations and athletic teams of westbrook christians school.
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The organization provides case management services to the mentally challenged adult citizens of northeast alabama
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Provide residence group homes for mentally/developmentally disabled individuals.
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To provide residential habilitation for adults with intellectual disabilities in northeast alabama.
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To provide residential habilitation services to disabled citizens in northeast alabama.
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To provide residential habilitation services to disabled citizens in northeast alabama.
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To provide financial aid for students attending gadsden state community college
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The purpose of the organization is to serve as a partner, manager, and provider of property and other resources for healthcare management for disabled citizens and the practitioners who serve them.
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To provide low income housing for the elderly
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Residential care for children
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To provide a setting in which people can come together in organized groups for fellowship and spiritual enrichment.
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Prevention of child abuse and provide services to victims of child abuse.
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To provide hot nutritional meals to individuals who are unable to prepare a meal for themselves.
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To provide for the needs of the poor and homeless in the city of gadsden, al.
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Restoring, maintaining and preserving forrest cemetery property
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Residential care and rehabilitative training services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
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Mental health america is dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental and substance use conditions and achieving victory over mental illnesses and addictions through advocacy, education, research, and service.
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