Fullerton, California
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Nonprofit DirectoryFullerton, California
Primary purpose of organ is to education people about education.we have 4 main activities. we create travel exhibitions, we collect & preserve artifacs on education, we write & publish articles on educations,& we work with college interns for futures in education or museum work.
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To advance community safety and constitutional rights.
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To raise funding for the enhancement of educational enrichment and technologicallearning at beechwood elementary school, located in the fullerton school districtof fullerton, ca.
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Support the people and programs of california state university, fullerton.
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We exist to empower the vulnerable who have experienced the breakdown of the family unit through restorative relationships and life-skills development. we serve those who have experienced foster care, domestic abuse, homelessness, and under-resourced neighborhoods and schools.
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Our mission is to provide affordable medical, dental, mental health and vision services to all residents of the low-income communities we have the privilege of serving.
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The mission of the fullerton public library foundation is to enrich the quality of the life of the people of fullerton by raising funds for the enhancement of the library. these funds shall be in supplement to, but not in place of, those provided by the city of fullerton.
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To inspire and prepare students from families of low-income communities in fullerton to succeed through higher education.
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E2ten mission exists to help the world's most vulnerable youth know the love and salvation of jesus christ and god's calling upon their lives transforming them into community leaders.
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The purpose of the fhtf is to preserve and restore the historic fullerton fox theater so that it may serve as a place for performing arts and film and thereby provide a resource for local educational and charitable activities.
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The mission of the mccoy rigby arts, inc. (mra) nonprofit organization is to make a positive difference in the lives and dreams of the youth in and around orange county. it is our vision that every child should be afforded the opportunity to participate in the art expression of their choice. we believe in giving every student who comes through our doors the discipline and skills they need to discover and realize their own unique, artistic and creative talents. ours is a process that can help to sustain the student for a lifetime, and be applied to whatever he or she chooses to undertake, personally or professionally.
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Present cultural events & education
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Provide preschool elementary and high school education in a christian environment
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Tara's chance is dedicated to promoting the physical, cognitive, and social well-being of at risk youth and/or those with special needs through a special partnership with horses.
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Out mission is to disciple our students to delight, discern, and display the glory of god in jesus christ through classical, christian education. it emphasizes cultivating wonder, critical thinking skills, and paideia culture, and christian worldview thinking.
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Founded as a nonprofit in 1999, friends of jazz's main purpose is to keep music in schools. foj's mission is to assure the continued growth and development of jazz performance, appreciation and education.
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Fullerton education foundation mission is to support the advancement of technology in education within the fullerton school district. activities to support this mission include (1)fundraising activities to gererate funds for laptops for learners program (2)supporting individual school fund raising activities to fund projects involving techology, and (3)providing grants to schools for initiatives related to technology.
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Dedicated to allergy research in complementary and alternative medicine. we believe that research and education are essential to the progress of future intergrative medicine. our goal is to improve healthcare.
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Provide the city of fullerton with aquatic programs and swim lessons for underprivileged children as well as develop competitive athletics for aquatic sports competition
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Soccer field development in california. the foundation is organized to provide technical advice, financial and logistical support to government entities and soccer organizations in the development of soccer facilities and operation of soccer programs designed to foster the physical, mental and emotional growth and development of america's youth through national and international amateur soccer competitions and to do and perform any other activity reasonably related to this purpose. the foundation is a support organization for california state soccer association - south.
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