Ephrata, Pennsylvania
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Nonprofit DirectoryEphrata, Pennsylvania
The organization operates a thrift store with the purpose of helping to relieve poverty by assisting those in need by selling merchandise at thrift shop prices, substantially all of which has been donated. the organization also provides funds to support the global program of the mennonite central committee.
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To provide resources to fulfill the great commission by developing godly character in young people and train them for missions outreach.
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Making disciples of christ and establishing assemblies which uphold all his teachings among people groups in the region known as the 10/40 window that have minimal jesus following presence. our mission also includes mobilizing, training, educating, and equipping believers.
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We conduct training events for pastors and church leaders as well as public conferences, provide coaching and consulting services for churches and christian ministries, coordinate mission outreaches, operate 24/7 prayer center, a kingdom ministry school, hssm school, support orphans and install clean water systems in india.
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The organization's main purpose is to minister to children at a youth center by building relationship between the volunteer staff and youth. to provide a positive environment where the youth can meet jesus christ. to study the bible and discuss god's principles in the kids lives- and discuss issues the youuth face, applying god's work to these issues.
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Outreach center for youth and young adults
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Training and teaching potential missionaries by providing students with a cross cultural setting in which mission work, biblical teaching, and personal discipleship can take simultaneously.
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Positively impact the spiritual, economic, and educational development of rural haitian communities through the gospel of christ by providing committed, competent services that meet the temporal and spiritual needs of the haitian people while maintaining the integrity of the haitian culture.
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To provide a safe and caring, christian environment for children in their out-of-school time.
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Introduce people to jesus christ and encourage christian growth through wholesome programs and quality facilities in a wooded setting.
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To train people how to simply and practically join the gospel for freedom, healing, and victory from the burdens of sin and pain for themselves and others.
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Transiti0n of ex-offenders into society
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To empower and connect neighbors to build a healthy and vibrant community in the ephrata and cocalico regions of northern lancaster county.
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To improve the quality of life by providing wholesome, affordable recreation opportunities to the citizens of the ephrata area.
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Volunteer fire company
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To promote the education and general welfare of mentally disabled persons of all ages, regardless of race, color or creed; to own, control, operate and direct facilities which provide training and rehabiliation services to physically, mentally or socially disabled individuals through integrated programs involving educational, psychosocial, therapeutic or special activities; to encourage the training and education of disabled persons so that they may achieve their fullest physical, mental, social and vocational potential; to promote the idea that disabled persons are capable of leading full and productive lives; to do all things incidental thereto.
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Maintain a historical library and a museum housing a collection of artifacts which are indigenous to the area
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To promote arts, culture and history
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To provide theatrical productions and educational activities from a playhouse located in a community park in ephrata, pa.
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Fairmount homes is a ministry with mature adults, providing high quality services, promoting wholeness and creative living consistent with christ-centered mennonite values.
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