Driggs, Idaho
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryDriggs, Idaho
Cultivation and celebration of the arts.
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Abc provides academic, enrichment, and wellness programs for at-risk children in a safe and supportive environment. we do this through our summer and afterschool programs.
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To foster a thriving and vibrant downtown driggs
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To empower the people of our community to enhance their mental wellness by providing advocacy, education, and access to resources.
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Provide food for the community
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Friends of the teton river (ftr) uses sound science and collaboration to protect and improve clean water, healthy streams and a thriving fishery in teton valley, idaho and wyoming. ftr implements community-driven restoration projects and education programs to benefit water resources in the teton watershed.
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Our mission is to reawaken our connection to wildlife and nature through reconnection ecology, expanding our sense of community to include all living beings, and moving us to protect flourishing habitats for all life.
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Creation and maintenance of a "connected community" by promoting and facilitating trails & pathways programs.
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Mission: advocating healthy relationships while empowering survivors of domestic and sexual violence in teton valley. vision: a world where individuals, families, and communities thrive in collective safety and wholeness.
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To elevate public education by funding innovative programs and critical needs.
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To create an educational experience in an environment where students feel safe, supported and engaged in their learning process. we encourage learners to work to their full potential, to exhibit independent thought, self confidence, creativity and imagination.
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To foster personal and community growth through the challenge of rock climbing.
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Our mission is to shape policy, guide development, and provide outreach to preserve natural resources, protect rural character, and promote vibrant communities in teton valley through civic action.
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Improving lives by connecting those in need with a network of resources.
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Trlt works to conserve eastern idaho's important agricultural lands and fish and wildlife habitat.
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To provide an affordable winter sports program for young athletes to meet their individual potential for excellence through education and opportunity for competition.
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Enriching seniors' lives through advocacy, diverse programming, and wellness and nutrition opportunities.
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