Decatur, Alabama
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Nonprofit DirectoryDecatur, Alabama
To provide resources and inspire community particiation in support of morgan county schools' vision - "students today; leaders tomorrow"
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To promote safety through training.
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Becoming man is a movement of god, birthed in the heart of pastor iv marsh. it is centered around returning men to their proper purpose on the earth; something that is so needed in our culture today.
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Promote music to area youth with an emphasis on poverty level children.
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To promote mental health, to prevent mental illness, and to advocate for the improved care and treatment of the mentally ill.
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See organizations primary exempt purpose on schedule o
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The american nystagmus network, inc. is a nonprofit organization founded in 1999 to serve the needs of those affected by nystagmus
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The mission of tennessee riverkeeper is to protect and restore clean water, biological life, recreational opportunities and aesthetic values of and to the tennessee and cumberland rivers and their tributaries.
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Archangel group international exists to be the hands and feet of jesus for the people of africa. agi provides needed resources and law enforcement training. the resources will be used to provide physical needs, eradicate poverty, and rescue orphans. the law enforcement training will bring needed skills and leadership to the local police, so they may better serve and protect their citizens and rescue those individuals who have fallen victim to human trafficking.
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To provide services to at-risk youth
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To present performing arts benefits, provide a multi-purpose rental facility for cultural activities, serve as education resource, and preserve the theatre and its heritage.
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Provide fire disaster and emergency medical protection to the city of priceville al.
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To provide a safe caring place to evaluate any child who may have been abused
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The primary purpose of the e-center is to encourage, enthuse and empower new and small businesses as tenants and non-tenants of the e-center facility and to ensure successful start-up and continued growth of their businesses.
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Homeless ministry
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To serve the people of ghana west africa through the drilling of water wells, supporting local evangelists, and sponsoring students attending 7a's costech.
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Equipping coaches to leave a legacy of excellence. striving to see coaches, their families, and all those whom they influence powerfully impacted for the glory of god.
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To promote tourism and economic development in alabamato promote natural resource conservation
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School-based mental health counseling program
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Reach out to the homeless, hungry, hurting and hopeless throughout north alabama and southern tennessee with the good news of the gospel of jesus christ.
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