Chesterfield, Missouri
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Nonprofit DirectoryChesterfield, Missouri
American women artists (awa) is a non-profit organization qualified under section 501c3 of the internal revenue code. the organization is dedicated to the inspiration, celebration and encouragement of women in the visual fine arts by creating professional exhibition opportunities for its members in galleries and museums around the country, increasing public awareness of women's accomplishments in the visual fine arts, and providing educational opportunities through workshops, artist demos, and the organization's website and newsletter.
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To provide tennis lessons at an affordable price or free for kids in underserved communities and for families with financial needs. we also offered educational component in the form of stem and act prep to kids who would not normally have access to these supports.
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The organization's mission is to provide a biblically centered & exceptional scholastic education.
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Advance the interests of us corn farmers through research and education.
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To operate for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, and to carry out the charitable purposes of the united states junior chamber of commerce and its member organizations by providing financial assistance and support for charitable programs and activities that promote leadership development and growth.
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A youth hockey club for children ages 4 - 17 to develop thier skills and participate in amateur youth hockey.
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Jaycees international foundation, inc. ("the foundation") was incorporated in 1955, as a not-for-profit organization, for the purpose of furthering the charitable aims and objectives of junior chamber international, inc. ("jci"). jci is a federation of independent national organizations with members from different countries around the world.
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Eyc academy provides a highly personalized learning environment which fosters critical thinking, cultivates individual potential, inspires confidence, and prepares students to be productive members of their communities.
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Helping people apply biblical principles at work with the vision of seeing people grow in their relationship with christ, and expand god's kingdom through their leadership. faith for work - leadership for life!
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Assisting the mexican nonprofit linternia del camino with the educational and nutritional needs of the community
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To empower elementary school children in guatemala by providing access to an unparalleled literacy curriculum and professional teacher training that creates new opportunity pathways for the next generation.
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Disseminate the word of god to inmates throughout the country through bible classes books and electronic media.
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Mission: advancing evidenced-based lifestyle medicine to treat, reverse and prevent non-communicable, chronic disease. vision: a nation wherein lifestyle medicine is the foundation of health and all health care.
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To uplift the less fortunate by providing educational resources via voluntary donations matched by s2tech
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Spirit of st. louis air show & stem expo promotes awareness and development of stem programs. the event presents social and educational programs regarding aviation and stem that provide growth as an individual and a community.
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Teaching of theology
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U.s. farming and ranching foundation (d/b/a u.s. farmers and ranchers in action) (usfra) represents farmer and rancher led organizations as well as other leaders throughout the food and agriculture sector with a shared vision of co-creating sustainable food systems and a belief that bold action is needed. usfra connects farmers and ranchers with the best minds in food, agriculture, science, and technology to support their sector in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, and in the process, contributing to increased social and economic stability. usfrf is the secretariat of the decade of agriculture, the first sector-wide movement to align to a shared vision for the next decade centered around investing in the next generation of agricultural systems, restoring our environment, regenerating natural resources and in doing so, strengthening the social and economic fabric of america.
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Provide art to nonprofits and the u.s. government to recognize patriotism and volunteerism
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Youth baseball & softball programs driven to develop and promote individual character
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As the sisters of mercy before us, we bring to life the healing ministry of jesus through our compassionate care and exceptional service.
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