Chesapeake, Virginia
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Nonprofit DirectoryChesapeake, Virginia
Awarding student scholarships and providing students with stipends and financial assistance with tuition, books, fees, and supplies/equipment. (college level)
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Financial support of charitable boarding school for abandoned or displaced tribal children in chiang mai thailand
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To provide for the prevention, research, assessment and treatment of mental health concerns, especially as related to relief of the poor, distressed or underprivileged.
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32 north media, inc. glorifies god by ministering to the muslim world.
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To provide managerial services for youth hockey programs.
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To put judeo-christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit mind & body for all
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To foster figure skating on ice as a member club of the u.s. figure skating association.
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To ensure that all animals are treated with care and compassion by providing necessary care and support to those animals
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Roc solid foundation builds hope for kids and their families fighting cancer.
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Protecting the public expression of prayer and faith in god; communicating the constitutional truths that establish america's freedom; sustaining and equipping leaders who believe in prayer and uphold judeo-christian principles.
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Healthy chesapeake's mission is committed to building a culture of wellness that supports, sustains, and advocates for a healthier chesapeake. its vision is to be ranked the healthiest community in virginia. healthy chesapeake works with a wide variety of community partners to build a culture of health to provide all chesapeake residents a fair and just opportunity for health, particularly individuals and neighborhoods that have historically not had equal access. programming focuses on four key factors, as identified by the robert wood johnson foundation, commonly labeled, "social determinants of health." these include health behaviors; clinical care; social and economic factors; and physical environment. healthy chesapeake is committed to addressing these in collaboration with community partners through programming in our focus areas. current activities focus primarily on programs that encourage access and utilization of healthy foods, healthy active lifestyles for seniors and youth,
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In keeping with our mission and primary goals, we continue to significantly impact this nation with the message of perpetually recognizing our military fallen heroes and their families. our objectives can be summarized in four words: establish, educate, present and comfort. in this report you will read about the accomplishments in each of these areas.
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Keys exists to partner with home schooling families to impact the world for eternity with the christian worldview through excellence in arts and academics.
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Providing direction and discipline in cheer forms and body conditioning. training for college, scholarships and enriching the community.
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Our mission is to support service members and their families in their fight to overcome the negative effects of trauma, transition, and trials that result from their service in the military.
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The mission of the mnpn is to educate, equip, and empower small nonprofits to serve their communities through strong programs and services. mnpn has helped over 300 nonprofits since 2016.
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Promoting sports in chesapeake; providing scholarships to chesapeake high school seniors; and honoring chesapeake athletes.
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Support of amateur youth sports in the western branch section of chesapeake, virginia.
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The mission of the organization is to advance christianity throughout the world by preaching the gospel of jesus christ to the world, establishing non-denominational christian churches throughout the world which adhere to and advance christian principles, and engaging in leadership seminars for christian clergy and church leaders throughout the world.
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The foundation for american christian education publishes and teaches america's christian history and method of education by biblical principles to restore christian self-government (continued on schedule o)
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