Cedar Knolls, New Jersey
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Nonprofit DirectoryCedar Knolls, New Jersey
The mission of biomedical research institute of new jersey, inc. (brinj) is to advance medical knowledge through research, discover novel methods for disease prevention and treatment, and educate the next generation of medical research scientists.
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The mission of employment horizons enterprises is to assist people with barriers to employment to achieve their individual vocational objectives and establish self-sufficiency in the community.
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The organization is an international association of nonprofit, scientific and professional organizations (being national, multinational or international in scope) concerned with pattern recognition, computer vision, and image processing in a broad sense.
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To benefit american and irish universities.
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The wit network is a global community of professional women and men who: encourage all women and girls to study stem and pursue careers in the technology sector; enable more women to attain leadership positions and career advancement; support more female entrepreneurs to girls to study stem and pursue careers in the technology sector; enable more women to attain leadership positions and career advancement; support more female entrepreneurs to start and develop profitable businesses.
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The organization offers both confidential telephone support to people in crisis and personalized information and referrals to those needing assistance. the organization administers the 2-1-1 system in new jersey through the operation of a call center designated to maintain a 24-hour, 7-day a week statewide voice and data system so that every new jersey resident has immediate access to community and governmental resources to assist in his/her needs. the system facilitates access to health, government and human services and continually enhances its information and referral network. the system also enhances community planning for needed services and improves service delivery through documentation and dissemination of information about human needs.
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Founded in 1983, homeless solutions is unique in new jersey. we are the only non-profit that operates shelter programs for five distinctly different populations - families, single women, single men, people with mental illness, and pregnant and parenting youth, ages 16 to 24; operates a 200-year-old affordable housing facility for low-income, single women, age 62+; operates a winter shelter program for street homeless; provides community-based outreach services; and builds affordable housing for low-income families across morris county, nj.
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The organization is a private school and treatment center for children with learning, physical and communication disorders. the organization provides services to more than 800 children.
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The greater morristown ymca, founded in 1874 in the christian traditions of honesty, respect, caring, and service to others, seeks to enhance the character and the quality of life for all people in the community by providing activities to enrich their spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.
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Our mission is to be a strong voice for the best interests of vulnerable children who have been removed from their homes or are under court supervision due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. we recruit, train, and supervise community volunteers to be advocates, mentors, and champions for each child on his or her journey to a safe, permanent, and nurturing home.
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To improve the profitability and competitiveness on new jersey's manufacturers.
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To offer its members cost-sharing opportunities, library automation services, technical support, and an organizational structure conducive for collaboration.
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To provide year round instruction in the german language to residents of morris county, nj.
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Members are volunteers who trian to extinguish fires, first responders in accidents, and help with the welfare of all members of the township.
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Enhance mobility, improve air quality, and conserve energy through transportation demand management (tdm) activities. the organization serves as an information resource providing advocacy
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The mission of employment horizons, inc. is to assist people with barriers to employment to achieve their individual vocational objectives and to establish self-sufficiency in the community.
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Our united way believes that securing racial and economic equity for alice improves life for all.
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Fund raising activities to support educational and charitable causes.
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Cedar Knolls, NJ
Cedar Knolls, NJ