Carson City, Nevada
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryCarson City, Nevada
To promote and support the nevada national guard to improve their status and relationships with the government
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Providing education to inform the public of their rights as citizens.
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Mission is to provide financial and administrative management for nevada governmental insurance pools and their related captive insurance entities.
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Charitable & educational purposes providing content, trends and insight regarding the luxury bridal industry
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To provide education to american indians in the field of dentistry
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Educational management services
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Nvhc provides health services throughout the state of nevada. health services include ob/gyn, pediatrics, internal medicine, and primary medical care and dental care services. nvhc operates a mobile mammography clinic as well as mobile dental clinics. nvhc operates several women, infants and children clinics in southern nevada.
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Healthcare center and other charities, and to provide stipend funding for the carson tahoe regional health center chief of staff position
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To advance medical and scientific research through the transfer of technology from the laboratory to public use by obtaining patents, granting licenses and administering patents arising out of discoveries pursuant to research conducted or sponsored by certain other charitable organizations. as funds are available, grants are made to clayton foundation for research to support additional research.
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Clayton medical research foundation, inc. was established as a charitable non-profit corporation to support medical and scientific research.
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Support the first united methodist church
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The foundation's primary purpose is to support other 501(c)(3) organizations and to provide scholarships and stipends to students in colleges or universities. the foundation also issues cash awards to local teachers, schools and the local school district. no individual cash award is greater than $500 and total scholarship expense for this tax year was $10,000.
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Domestic violence shelter
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Foundation for research is a charitable non-profit corporation established to support medical and scientific research.
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Carson City, NV
Carson City, NV
Carson City, NV
Carson City, NV
Carson City, NV