Carrollton, Texas
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Nonprofit DirectoryCarrollton, Texas
Develop stellar professiona personal foundation stimulate community engagement foster the intergenerational transfer of leadership capab
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The organization is a foundation for islamic research and education.
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Our mission is to care for homeless cats and dogs in a no-kill environment until each is adopted into responsible homes and to advocate humane values and behavior.
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Restore family, reframe churches, transform communities.
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The national black trans advocacy coalition is on the mission to "improve the black trans human experience by overcoming violence and injustice in the world through the power, value and love of all people."
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Over 25 in-person courses were held, over 1500 students enrolled in our in-person and online courses.
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Adaptive training foundations mission is to empower the human athlete, restore hope through movement, and redefine the limits of individuals with disabilities.
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To serve and host the community with exceptional outreach in providing a multi-cultural low income housing to all who fairly qualify
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Trivium academy provides a classical education for the modern world that trains children to be lifelong learners. students engage in learning content, examine information critically, and express themselves with increasing sophistication each year. we help our students to be successful by providing an individualized learning approach based on each child's strengths, weaknesses, learning style, and interests resulting in well- rounded students who are prepared to challenge the world.
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Mission statement is to rescue, rehabilitate, and find qualified loving homes for neglected, abused, and unwanted huskies throughout texas and beyond. to educate the public about responsible pet ownership and the special qualities of the siberian husky breed. as of end of 2022, texas husky rescue rescued 135 huskies during that year.
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Provide non-profit veterinary hospital services to shelters and animal rescue groups.
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To strengthen the emerging church and emerging worship culture particularly in unreached regions of the world through the development and distribution of resources, education, training, and partnerships
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Caring pathways of carrollton provides daily programs to underserved adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities promoting skills of self determination, training to promote independence in daily living activities and facilitate social interactions through outings and participation in local events.
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The organization provides educational awareness to the public regarding symptoms of cancer for early detection.
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To collaborate on individual and community projects that promote science, technology and the arts, while working and experimenting on innovative ideas to encourage learning within the community.
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Al-qalam foundations mission is to provide an education relevant to the times and needs of our society grounded in the sacred sources. the purpose is to facilitate low cost education to qualified students in need.
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Cultivate leadership seeks to make disciples of jesus christ and plant churches among asian young professionals throughout asia.
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To raise funds in support of st augustine hs of new orleans la
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We believe passion serves as a tool to find purposes.our mission is to authentically empower vulnerable communities and raise awareness about the social injustices happening in every nation.
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To motivate adults and youth of all ages to reach their potential.
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