Bloomington, Minnesota
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryBloomington, Minnesota
X out ald is a 501c3 organization dedicated to increasing awareness of adrenoleukodystrophy and supporting research of the disease at the university of minnesota leukodystrophy center. we raise funds for medical research that will lead to more effective treatments and improve outcomes for children with ald.
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Provide a venue where the history and philosophy of freemasonry is displayed and interpreted.
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The organization's mission is to undertake activities that further the objectives of the minnesota valley national wildlife refuge and wetland management district (refuge) of the usfws, including acquisition, restoration, and maintenance of land for the refuge and financial support of refuge operations.
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To improve health and well-being in partnership with our members, patients and community.
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To protect, preserve, restore, manage, maintain, own, and operate, directly or indirectly, the historic masonic buildings located in minnesota.
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The mission of success academy is to prepare students to become excellent questioners, scientific thinkers and responsible citizens.
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Castleco theatre's mission is to increase theatre access by producing live stage shows that connect every age and stage of life. between sept. 1 2021 and august 31 2022 castleco theatre upheld its mission by providing theater arts programing which engaged 11,416 participants in theater arts activities as staff students performers and audience members.
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Animal welfare organization serving the residents of indian reservations and municipalities.
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See schedule o.oasis for youth opens the door to housing, employment, education, and wellness for youth facing homelessness in the suburbs.
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To provide post-secondary education scholarships to children of parents who have been fatally injured or seriously disabled by work related accidents or diseases.
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Backing the blue line unites the power of members and the generosity of donors to honor and support minneosta law enforcement officers, wives and families. we mobilize to provide services, labor and assistance during times of illness or work related accidents.
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To develop a sustainable and ethically resourced fair trade supply chain. bringing empowerment to women in the region with safe, fair employment. creating fair trade for the farmers and harvestors of frankincense and myrrh by removing unfair price pressures that have undermined this traditional, revered harvest practice and caused environmental deterioration of the boswelliaspp resource throughout the region
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Promote and advance amateur athletics at the division 1 collegiate level.
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To improve health and well-being in partnership with our members, patients and community.
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Promoting orthopedic health and research, education and training, and improving quality of life.
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To meet the healthcare needs of individuals, families & communities of the st. croix valley
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Give children a foundation for success by bringing books and literacy advice into pediatric care.
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The purpose of the organization is to provide support to amputees along their journey to heal, recover, and flourish.
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Minnesota alliance for patient safety utilizes diverse stakeholders to address patient safety issues for which collaborative action will advance the state toward thevision of the safest care possible.
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From the launch of the very first caringbridge site, we've been working toward a single vision: a world where no one goes through a health journey alone. in order to turn this vision into reality, we've made it our mission to build bridges of care and communication providing love and support on a health journey.
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