Berwyn, Pennsylvania
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Nonprofit DirectoryBerwyn, Pennsylvania
Melmark provides specialized programs to enhance the lives of individuals with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Dedicated to funding hope for individuals and animals in our community.
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Wmrj is an anti-racist pro-justice community of practice rooted in personal transformation, relationships of mutual accountability, and taking action in our spheres of influence.
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Education, advocacy, support, and research for those affected by brain injury
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The rendell center promotes civic education and engagement. to accomplish this, the center offers opportunities for educators and students to develop knowledge, practices and dispositions of engaged citizenship. for educators, the center creates curriculum content, pedagogical tools, and professional development experiences. the rendell center also provides to students of all ages and grade levels opportunities, events, and spaces for dialogue about and engagement with issues of citizens and civics.
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Regina luminis academy is a private, independent school grades pre-k through 12, founded, with the help of gods grace, to assist parents in the education and formation of their children by providing a classical liberal arts education in the tradition of the roman catholic church and faithful to the magisterium. it is the mission of the academy to promote and nurture the spiritual, intellectual, and physical growth and talents of its students through the time-tested classical liberal arts course of study. students study and learn in a wholesome and rigorous environment. the catholic faculty integrates the magisterial teaching and tradition of the catholic church throughout the curriculum. in partnership with their families, students are taught to be effective catholic citizens and leaders. they are taught to know, love and serve god and neighbor, aware of their ultimate purpose in lifeeternal happiness with god in heaven.
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The conestoga crew club is a public high school rowing program. the club holds winter fitness training sessions for members and participates in fall & spring rowing competitions for approximately 41 rowers.
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To support recreational and cultural activities in tredyffrin township's parks and open spaces.
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To support local communities by funding impactful shark conservation projects.
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The blue white scholarship foundation is an independent non-profit corporation, comopsed of alumni and friends of villanova univeristy. its mission is to: a)provide scholarships to deserving villanova university students who have experienced financial difficulty, b)mentor scholarship recipients, and provide networking opportunities to assist them in their employment and professional advancement, and c)encourage scholarship recipients to "pay forward" their financial assistance to other villanova students in the future.
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To raise and provide funds for the easttown library.
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Affords financial protection to volunteer firefighters against misfortunes suffered during fire service participation
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Daemion counseling center, inc. offers professional mental health counseling focused on helping community residents navigate life's many transitions, by providing expert yet affordable care.
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Develop clinical and laboratory practices and promote their use worldwide.
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To provide supervised local soccer games.
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Improving lives of those who are mentally, socially or physically disadvantaged
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Naeyc accredited & licensed by the state of pennsylvania as an independent, private, academic preschool for children ages 2 to 6 years old, with optional enrichment programs. licensed as a child care center by the department of human services in 2020.
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The foundation partners with mexican communities on social, educational, and economic revitalization projects. in collaboration with local efforts, karitas develops programs, provides technical assistance, and leverages financial support in a spirit of democracy and reciprocity, empowering people to improve their lives and to assist one another in their individual and collective liberation.
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Provide education services for students with autism. students age ranges from 5 to 21 years old.
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To provide fire fighting & ambulance services to local & adjacent communities
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