Bellingham, Washington
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryBellingham, Washington
Solicit funds to, and grant college scholarships to students pursuing degrees in science & engineering
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Production of classical vocal programming
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Caring for foster children by providing transitional housing and training families.
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Empowering our family of ministries in cambodia to serve the most vulnerable, that they might encounter the love of god through the lens of practical expression of the gospel of jesus.
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A prayer center to encourage and facilitate 24/7 prayer and worship of jesus christ, primarily in whatcom county, but also around the nation and around the world, as led by the holy spirit, for the glory of god.
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Community based nonprofit organization strives to recover salmon by engaging our community in restoration, education, and stewardship.
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To promote the health, social, educational, vocational, & character development of local children.
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Golden retriever rescue from turkey and adopt them into respectable homes in the united states
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To provide financial assistance for employees and independent agents of exp world holdings, inc. & subs who have suffered catastrophic events (natural disasters, accidents).
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Tuition-free, public high school offering learning designed with students and supported by elders generating deep inquiry skills, thoughtful interactions, and critical consciousness.
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Samish montessori is a community that provides children pre-school to 6th grade a loving, learning, and safe montessori environment. the school acts as a microcosm of society; allowing children to explore and develop a moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, and social self, as well as cultivate skills necessary to be prepared to participate in the world.
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Education services to individuals and advocacy volunteer hours total was 11691 calculated at 2543 for a value of 29730213
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Provide a quality preschool education for children under age 6 using the montessori method as the primary medium
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We are a native american led non-profit who utilizes the power of storytelling to create, educate and share about the native american lifeway.
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We invite people of all ages, stages, experiences and backgrounds, as imperfect or broken as they may be on their journey, to authentically run into jesus; as he collides with them, they are forever transered. we do this through qtrly conferences, classes & counseling referrals.
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The mission of common threads farm is to joyfully connect young people with healthy food through hands on seed-to-table educational programs.
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To preserve and enhance non-motorized trail access in whatcom county through stewardship, education, and advocacy.
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Protect canada's ecologically significant lands through the permanent conservation of properties.
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Support human service projects & organizations
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To advance the global standard for mountain bike instruction through education certification service and experience.
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