Bastrop, Texas
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Nonprofit DirectoryBastrop, Texas
Mutual aid and promotion of artists in the community and to encourage cultural interests and appreciation of fine arts.
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Ensure all individuals of bastrop county share in the social fabric of the community, access great educational programs, be economically stable, live full healthy lives.
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Provide assistance and minister to low-income persons or those in need. activities include providing free meals, and assistance with daily living expenses and natural disasters.
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We provide rehabilitation services for horses and equine learning programs for people.
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Provide thanksgiving meals for the homeless and less fortunate.
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Addiction support to individuals promote manage and foster rehab restoration low income houseing and employment training
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To end pet overpopulation, increase pet retention, and create a compassionate and safe community for pets and people by providing pet parents with access to resources, education, and affordable veterinary care.
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Provide coaching, support and resources to mothers, pregnant women, and families.
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A school that provides formal education.
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The mission of the art institute of houston and its branch campuses, the art institute of austin, and the art institute of san antonio, are to provide a quality, collaborative academic environment for individuals seeking creative careers through higher education. as a private, multicampus college, our bachelor degrees, associate degrees, and diploma programs are competency based, incorporating traditional liberal arts, professional education, and management level competencies with hands-on instruction. faculty use learning-centered methodology to prepare students for entry-level positions in the design, media, fashion, and culinary arts fields as well as lifelong learning.
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The refuge for dmst's (domestic minor sex trafficking) mission is to provide trauma-informed, long-term restoration, shelter and services to girls 11-17 years old, who have been exploited through sex trafficking. recognizing the lack of safe and holistic shelters for rescued children, we hope to establish a place of refuge for girls to heal and find hope for a new life. through collaboration with many therapeutic service providers within the austin community, we aim to develop a circle of care around each survivor, addressing her unique emotional, physical, mental and spiritual needs. as christian abolitionists, we boldly envision a city passionately opposed to sex trafficking of children and a community committed to restoring purpose, value, and choice to the lives of survivors.
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The mission of the bastrop county emergency food pantry & support center is to serve bastrop county residents going through periods of transition by providing emergency food assistance, education and support.
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The organization is dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of bastrop and bastrop county, collecting and preserving materials, artifacts and documents relating to the history of bastrop, county, and maintaining musuem building operations and displays.
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See schedule o
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To increase tourism to the city through entertaining programs for the public
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Our mission is to provide a neutral, child friendly organization that facilitates a multi-disciplinary approach tothe investigation,prosecution,intervention and treatment of child abuse
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The organization recruits, trains, and supervises volunteers who provide advocacy services to child victims removed by the state from homes because of abuse or neglect
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Agriculture information for children and orgainze and holds the annual junior livestock show and auction for the benefit of students participating in ffa and 4-h in the area school districts
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The mission of the center is to be the expert resource and service provider in eliminating domestic and sexual violence in bastrop, colorado, fayette, and lee counties. the center provides emergency shelter; crisis intervention and advocacy; counseling; and transitional housing to victims of these issues. in addition, the center provides offender accountability programs and community prevention and education services.
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Promoting clean, safe, locally harvested solar energy for every texan.
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