Barrington, Rhode Island
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryBarrington, Rhode Island
The jacques ppin foundation is an organization that supports free culinary arts and life skills training for disadvantaged adults through existng non-profit organizations.
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The purpose of the barrington land conservation trust is to protect and steward our local natural, scenic historic open spaces. blct will advocate on behalf of protection for these lands and work to educate the public about these resources.
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To provide opportunities for children and teens to experience the performing arts.
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To foster intellectual excellence in the field of club management by securing funds from contributions to be used for educational purposes and assist students, by way of providing scholarship grants, seeking an education in the hospitality profession. the organization's charitable and educational purposes are to provide educational and training opportunities for club managers and students engaged and employed in the private club and hospitality industry in the commonwealth of massachusetts and the states of maine, new hampshire, rhode island and vermont.
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To educate and inform the public on legal, historical, economic, academic and cultural issues related to the constitution, liberty and world events, through investigative news reporting, outreach, research, audio-visual media, interactive online platforms and forums.
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Provides resources to residents of barrington, bristol, east providence and warren to address food insecurity and economic hardship.
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The provision of services to the intellectually and developmentally disabled population.
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Organization supports various charitable endeavors concentrating in the needs of children.
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The organization provides assistance to the barrington public library by providing financial aids from various sources. in doing so, the library is able to broaden and enhance the services it offers.
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Barrington christian academy is a regional k-12 christian college-preparatory school, exemplary in educational excellence and spiritual formation. see page 2, part iii, line 1.
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To provide a high quality preschool education to preschool age children in accordance with ri early learning standards and to also be an educational resourse for our community
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Barrington, RI
Barrington, RI