Baraboo, Wisconsin
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryBaraboo, Wisconsin
To help people help themselves find a way out and back on the right track. to help people re-invent or structure their lives.
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Preservation and dissemination of railroad history with emphasis on the western great lakes region of the united states.
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We provide equine-assisted activities and therapies to children and adults with special needs, while supporting the physical, mental, and emotional health of each individual in their interaction with horses and staff.
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See part iii, line 1.
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To provide playful experiences that inspire and educate every child.
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Licensed daycare facility to provide care to children 2-11 years old.
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To improve and enhance the parks in the baraboo area working in conjunction with the city of baraboo
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The durward's glen retreat center is dedicated to the preservation of its unique natural beauty, historic past and catholic heritage. the glen offers pastoral grounds, affordable accomodations, conference rooms, and meeting places for the community to use for education, spiritual growth, and life enrichment activities.
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Connect at-risk youth with caring community members to build self-esteem and self-respect.
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Promotion of the arts through live performances, movies, and community and cultural events.
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Encourage, solicit, and administer gifts, bequests, donations, etc. and evaluate proposalsfrom other non-profit charitable organizations involved in community improvement projects intended to promote the betterment of the greater sauk county and surrounding area and enhance the quality of life for all the citizens.
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Providing scholarships for graduates of baraboo high school.
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Provide a christian non-denominational education to the greater baraboo area.
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Fostering a land ethic through the legacy of aldo leopold.
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Baraboo range preservation association works to protect the qualities and culture of the baraboo range through promotion of ecologically responsible land use. this mission is achieved through public education, cooperation with area conservation groups and agencies and land trust activities such as a conservation easement acquisition and monitoring.
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Prevent abuse and provide support to victims of domestic and sexual violence.
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1 we provide care for animals, serve as a central informative clearinghouse for location of lost pet animals,provide adoption services
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The sauk county historical society operates a public historical museum.
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