Arlington, Texas
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Nonprofit DirectoryArlington, Texas
Training equiping and sending young christian missionaries around the world to work with high school aged youth contd on schedule o
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Is dedicated to assisting children, teens, adults and families affected by pediatric stroke and other causes of hemiplegia.
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To develop interest and participation in the sport of bowling, overseeing competition, and providing programs and services to its membership.
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To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
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To provide a safe, loving, and structured family environment in which children may grow, mature, and experience the love of god.
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The mission of safehaven of tarrant county is to end domestic violence through safety, support, prevention and social change.
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Conduct medical research, offer educational programs and undertake development projects that contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.
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Acquire student loans and provide life of loan servicing of student loans at post secondary level.
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Fostering education through mentorship and scholarships
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New day's mission is to provide food for hungry arlington students on the weekend. we work directly with arlington independent school district (aisd) school counselors to find the students who are either hungry or who may be food insecure or do not have a consistent stream of nutritious food available to them. counselors identify these students at their schools and contact new day for the delivery of weekend food bags on fridays. the bags are discreetly distributed to students by the counselor. new day volunteers do not have direct contact with aisd students nor their families.
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Spread the gospel of jesus christ.
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To train and educate future generations of young men and women with wisdom, stature and favor; to give students opportunities to become whole individuals ready to serve the world by helping them reach their highest potential, and to provide in partnership with parents and community a well-rounded education within the context of american heritage.
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To recognize outstanding fraternity & sorority greek leaders for their leadership and service and issue scholarships.
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Improve japanese american relations
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To connect, equip, train and mobilize all people with a special emphasis on people of color, to advance god's kingdom through global missions and outreach.
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The mission of the clinic is to provide free, quality, compassionate healthcare to individuals and families of north texas dealing with chronic and nonemergency acute illnesses, who have barriers to accessing healthcare, by promoting wellness and providing physical, emotional, and spiritual care in a loving, nurturing environment.
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To establish, own and operate a roller coaster museum and archives for public education and benefit.
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The mission of the miracle fields of dfw is to provide children and young adults the opportunity to play baseball regardless of their abilities and to promote community support and sponsorship of our organization.
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Invest in our communities to build brighter financial futures. the three ways the foundation invests in our communities are: volunteerism, scholarships, and grants.
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The fort worth district council provides support to thirteen svdp conferences in the fort worth area, each of which provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering, in the tradition of our founder, blessed frederic ozanam, and patron, st vincent de paul.
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