Anaheim, California
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Nonprofit DirectoryAnaheim, California
Educate, motivate, empower and develop the leadership and business skills of hispanic entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs in the united states in order to support them to achieve success in their companies.
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To provide homeless families the opportunity to achieve housing stability by providing short-term shelter, meals, case management, and hospitality.
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Reaching people with the gospel message of jesus christ through expository teaching
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Provide leadership, education, and health services in the area of women's health services.
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To operate a training center to provide vocational, social, and educational services to developmentally disabled persons.
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To promote projects and programs providing culturally and professionally competent services to populations in need. organization believes that healthier individuals and communities result from a combination of outreach, treatment, and prevention efforts.
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The mission of palm lane elementary charter school is to provide a high- quality steam-based education in a digital learning environment to empower students to meet and surpass grade level standards. our students will be provided a well-rounded education with a focus on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math to accelerate learning in their areas of strength and interest. students will successfully meet the common core standards through instruction that is tailored to meet their unique needs by engaging in inquiry based instruction.
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Unification mission ministry
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Bichon rescue brigade (brb) is an all-volunteer group whose mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and place bichon frise and bichon frise mixed dogs into responsible and caring homes - as well as providing a resource for public education on the breed and responsible dog ownership.
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To provide free meals, housing assistance and basic needs to families and children who live in motels due to the economic downfall.
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Golf fore life skills operates as the first tee of orange county and provides youth with character building and life skills lessons using golf as a platform
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To grant college scholarships to students of polish descent who are permanent california residents residing within the five counties of los angeles, orange riverside, san bernardino and ventura.
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Anaheim first was formed on behalf of the community and supported by the anaheim chamber of commerce, visit anaheim, and the anaheim community foundation, and is led by a dedicated group of engaged residents, the neighborhood leadership council, who represent the socioeconomics and cultural diversity of each council district in anaheim. the anaheim first neighborhood leadership council connects with residents in all aspects of the program, including development of significant new infrastructure, expanded police and fire services, programs to maintain a strong local economy, and continuous reinvestment to build and maintain a strong local economy, and continuous reinvestment to build and maintain vibrant neighborhoods citywide.
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To provide a unified voice advocating for seniors and broaden the impact of our programs across the state of california; to improve the lives of seniors, adults with disabilities, and their families.
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Providing accredited counseling degree program
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Clear motivations is a full community based adult work program for individuals with disabilities. our mission is to promote, encourage and provide community integration and work employment for adults with disabilities.
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To transform some of our hardest conversations and most isolating experiences into sources of community support, candid conversation, and forward movement using the age old practices of gathering and breaking bread.
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To fulfill every student's individual potential by personalizing an educational plan.
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Promote the general welfare of foster children.
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Growth opportunities through athletics, learning and service (goals) is devoted to removal of barriers so that less privileged children may freely enjoy organized sports, access quality education, and participate in community service projects. the organization creates after school and weekend programs for youths built around athletics, learning and service enrichment.
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