Abingdon, Virginia
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Nonprofit DirectoryAbingdon, Virginia
To achieve clean water throughout the watershed with the involvement of citizens in planning, educating, attracting funding, and serving as advocates for our water resources.
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To provide quality housing through construction or purchase of properties to low income individuals.
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To promote the economic self-sufficiency and a better quality of life for the citizens of the region through small business ownership, job creation, and asset development. in support of this goal, people financial services provides business and financial literacy training, individual technical assistance, and marketing services to entrepreneurs and others throughout the region.
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Provide a 4-h camp for local youths
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See schedule o
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To generate tourism and economic development in the appalachian region of southwest virginia by focusing on the region's unique musical heritage.
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The organization's mission is to raise funds to provide college scholarships to students at abingdon high school that honor and represent the values of kirk edward nairn.
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Classical education for children k through 12 grade levels.
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To produce and create live theatre for the purpose of the public good, to educate and promote public interest in the theatrical arts for all ages, and to attract tourists to southwest virginia.
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To enhance the region's economic development efforts, to spur growth of small business and industry and to improve the lives of people in abingdon and washington county, virginia by offering an innovative economic development engine that will be devoted to creating jobs.
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Develop and manage affordable housing for people aged 55 and over.
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To promote intergenerational programming for all ages to improve interaction, diversity, health and wellness to all citizens of washington county, virginia. to educate and build a sense of community and responsibility for the care and wellbeing of all citizens in the county and sorrounding areas.
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The mission of friends of southwest va is: 1. to preserve, promote, and present the cultural and natural assets of sw va 2. to work in partnerhship in the region to generate economic development through these efforts 3. to provide educational and cultural opportunities for the general public and students of the region 4. to showcase the cultural assets of sw va at the heartwood artisan gateway
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Development of the region's communities by assisting local artisans with marketing, educational, and entrepreneurial opportunities.
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Raise funds for community and world service
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To provide opportunities for economically disadvantaged people to reach their goals in order to enhance their lives, their families, and their communities.
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To provide assistance to local department of social services in fulfilling the requirements for implementation of welfare to work programs.
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Providing art exhibits and education to southwest va & northeast tn
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Emergency rescue and medical service
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The mission of the animal defense league is the prevention of cruelty to all animals, the relief of suffering among animals, and the extension of humane education.
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